December 6, 2008

An excerpt from Cheesecake's Diary, Day 6

Support staff were late home last night (something about a Christmas party though I don't remember giving them permission to go out?) and also slept in this morning (Note: May need to start disciplinary proceedings, this is most disappointing and I suspect they may not last the full probationary period). They did at least remember to run the tap for me for several minutes so I could perform my daily ablutions. I then spent the afternoon catching up on my beauty sleep in the sock drawer - my new favourite place to snooze.

Met the canine slaves this evening. Do not trust them, especially the big one (suspect it's on growth hormones - for something that size is just not natural), but then I spotted some small funny looking rodent things in a large glass container and became distracted. Despite spending a significant amount of time on this project I cannot figure out how to get lid off and suspect the Moving Dinner container is faulty (Note: Escalate this issue with the support staff, requires followup. Also - need to bill for my time). Briefly met the other cats but they too were trying to open the Moving Dinner container so we just exchanged names. Will catch up later.

Thoroughly enjoyed the new cat food produced for my dining pleasure at suppertime. It's called Applaws and is far better than the other substandard dry food the human has been feeding me. I have proclaimed that it will do, though I would still prefer one of those rodents...

Off to snooze for a while now in front of the fire. Will report in later.

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