January 14, 2009

It's been a busy couple of weeks since I last blogged. First we had to get back into the routine for work (easier for us than for the Feline Overlords I think, as they'd gotten very used to having human slaves available 24/7) and then actually go back to work. That was the hard bit for the humans!

Workwise, I have a couple of big-ish and several small projects starting up this month, resulting in me being fairly busy with the prep work and not as interactive a human slave as normal. Most of the Feline Horde are used to varying periods of busy and quiet and have either been ignoring me or pointedly tracking me down and getting in the way.

Luci and Bob are ignorers for instance whereas Homer and Mia are very definitely hunting me (Lily is hunting everyone all of the time so nothing new there). I think Cheesecake is going to be a hunter too as he's currently sitting on my chest rather pointedly getting between me and the laptop. It's a good thing that I'm well practised in the art of reading through, around and despite a cat or I'd never get through the background info I need read for tomorrow morning's meeting.

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