February 18, 2009

Cheesecake is not having a good week.

First he was neutered and now we have plumbing problems. Cheesecake loves water and is usually found in either the kitchen or bathroom sink, normally trying to drink from the tap but often just rolling around in joyous abandon (he's very fond of the shower too and will attempt to follow you in there if he thinks he'll get away with it). Unfortunately the tank in the attic that supplies the bathroom isn't filling and the plumber can't get here til the weekend. Poor Cheesecake. I guess he'll just have to make the kitchen sink his favourite place to hang out...

In other feline news, Lily has succeeding in freaking out a friend of the family who came to visit last weekend. Apparently cats-with-no-eyes should not move their heads so that they appear to be watching you. Nor should they suddenly appear at your feet and sit, staring up plaintively. I expect that the 100 mile an hour mad dash through 3 rooms and stalking, and successfully catching, Mia also failed to help her case.

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